Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A man lives 256 Years. The oldest man ever lived.

Keep your heart to stay calm, sit like a turtle, walk like a dove and happily go to sleep like a dog.” That sentence advice given by Li Chung Yun when a chief named Wu Pu Fei invited to the house and asked the secret of longevity . Li Chung Yun died on May 6, 1933. It was 256 years old. Mr. Li lives in Sichuan province in China which symbolizes the greatness of one’s longevity. At age 10, he has traveled to Kansu, Shansi, Tibet, Annam, Siam and Manchuria gathering herbs. He continues to collect medicinal plants up to 100 years old.

Some sources say that Mr.Li have buried 23 Wife and at the time of his death he lived with his wife to 24. From the 24th of his wife, Li has children and grandchildren up to 11 generations and numbering about 200 people. He has long nails about 6 inches. Although he was already 200 years more, but in view of those he looked like someone who’s 60 years old.

According to Mr. Li, he was born in 1736. But in 1930, a professor from Chengdu university education departments are named Wu Chung Chieh find a record of the Chinese empire congratulated the Li Ching Yun on birthday-150 years. Congratulations were given in 1827. When in 1827 he repeated the year to 150, then it means royal records show that Mr. Li was born in 1677 and when he died in 1933, he was 256 years old. At the time of his death, mourning for Mr.Li speech published by the world’s leading media, including The New York Times and the Times Magazine. Whether Li was born in 1677 or 1736 as his confession? When he was born in 1736 according to his testimony, meaning he died at the age of 197 years, far longer than the oldest person ever recorded is Jeanne Louise Calment of France who died in 1997 at age 122 years 164 days. Previously, China has also been recorded of a man named Chen Jun is believed to die at the age of 443 years. During his life, Mr Li is known as an herbalist, and kung fu expert. In the year 1749 when he was 71 years old, he moved to the city of Kai Xian to join forces with China as a martial arts coach and advisor to the military. The story of his life then flows like a story of martial arts films we watch. One of his disciples Mr. Li, namely Master of Tai Chi called Da Liu told this story. At the time Mr. Li 130 years old, he met a hermit in a mountain and then taught him Baguazhang Jiulong(nine dragon eight diagrams palm of the hand) and Qigong (energy in) with a special breathing instructions, movements and how mengkordinasikannya with specific sounds and food recommendations.

Da Liu said that Mr.Li can have a long life since he regularly perform these exercises every day, regularly, correctly and sincerely for 120 years. Until recently, practitioners of modern Jiulong Baguazhang acknowledge that the knowledge they gained came directly from Mr. Li. In 1933, he died. Mr. li once said to a friend, “I have completed all the things that must be resolved in this world, now I’m going home. ” Li Chung Yun died not long after that. And since it comes the legend of Li Chung Yun, a 256-year-old man.

13 Bizarre Ads You Will Never See

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Selling Structured Settlements

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Selling Structured Settlements
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13 Bizarre Ads You Will Never See

10 Most Beautiful Fish in the World

1. Mandarin Fish
There are 2 varieties of this species, namely Mandarin fish standards and Psychedelic Mandarin. The standard usually have a pattern and color better than the Psychedelic. It costs no more than $ 20 per head, but the problem was the food that is difficult to find.
2. Discus
This fish is a freshwater fish species which may be a freshwater fish of the most beautiful. The price is very expensive, 3  inches in length is priced between $ 50 – $ 80.
3. Lion Fish
This fish is also called zebrafish. Spine has a venom that is very painful and quite effective.
4. Moorish Idol
This fish is very difficult to be maintained with a standard aquarium, and also the exorbitant price tag that soared.
5. Koi
There are many color variations of koi fish (about 100 varieties). Koi can have orange, red, white, golden, or black. Some koi enthusiasts willing to pay thousands of dollars for a koi only to find that rare koi color pattern.
6. Flame Angel
This fish had close relationship with the Coral Beauty. Its just like the Coral Beauty
7. Coral Beauty
This fish is relatively easy to maintain fish in the aquarium and can survive in both habitats.
8. Regal Tang
These fish belong to the surgeon fish family, which has a small blade of calcium that can be hidden in front of its tail fin. This small knife is used primarily for defense systems in the face of predators.
9. Parrot Fish
So named because the shape of bird beak-like mouth. This fish uses its mouth like a beak is to break down and eat the small invertebrates that live in the coral. Usually they will eat the whole-whole rock coral or sea sand and then chewing invertebrates that are in it, then discard the rest.
10. African Cichlids
Fish is pronounced as “Sick-Lids”. This fish is found in three lakes in Africa: Malawi, Tanganyika, and Victoria. Species in Lake Victoria the number is less diverse and less colorful than others. They usually grow to 6-7 inches, with the exception of Frontosoa species, which can grow until 12-14 inches. These fish are freshwater fish that can be easily maintained in the home aquarium. In addition to Africa, there are also species of fish that live in the waters of the Amazon, but it was bigger and more aggressive than that in Africa.

World’s Oldest Conjoined Twins
Sometimes adversity can make gifts for some people. As these two men the United States. Their conditions are conjoined twins in the body just does not make them feel defeated.
Donni and Ronnie Galyon now  as oldest  Conjoined twin surviving today. Both of them even broke the world record issued by the Guinness Book of World Records. With a unified stomach condition, the  58-year-old twin is certainly proud of their achievement was.
It’s hard to imagine these twin activities to grow up. The body of both coincide on the body but the heart and stomach of both separately. The intestines were both must share, although their feet and hands full.
Growing up with the conditions experienced by Donni and Ronni certainly unique. Given in every state is important, embarrassing, sad, or happy that they had together. But this does not prevent them to survive.
Throughout life, these twins worked at a carnival. They entertain the visitors to show their strengths. But now those days have been completed. Both decided to quit from the carnival because their health is declining.
Unique twin sister was living with a physically normal. With the help of a charitable institution, is now able to live comfortably in Dayton, USA. This can occur after both houses of the younger men is modified to fit their body condition.

7 Funny Icon That Will Never be on Facebook

Typical icons up, which we used “like” every day is not foreign to our eyes. But Leonard Savage was not satisfied only with buttons like it, and he imagined the following buttons on Facebook:

16 World’s Largest Insect Species

The following is a list of 16 World’s Largest Insects of each species – each different, they became champions for the body size and weight between similar species, and here comes the list along with their local 
1. Titan Beetle Beetle: French Guiana and Brazil

Interesting Fact: The larvae have never been found, but is expected to feed in the wood and may require several years to reach full size before they pupate. 
2. Elephant Beetle Mexico, Venezuela

Interesting Facts: Elephant beetles adult life span is approximately one to three months.
3. Long-Legged Giant Katydids: Indonesia

Interesting Fact: reliable as the largest insect in the world.
4. Goliath beetle: Ghana, Ivory Coast / Equatorial Africa, Central and Eastern

Interesting Fact: They feed primarily on tree sap and fruits.
5. Cockroach Giant diggers: Australia

Interesting Fact: They are the largest cockroach in the world.
6. Profit – Profit giant camel: desert in the Middle East

Interesting Fact: Giant Camel Spider has even been found hiding in a sleeping bag soldier.
7. Giant Walking Stick: Many areas in the world

Interesting Fact: They are the world’s longest insect.
8: Giant Weta of New Zealand

Interesting Fact: They are one of the world’s heaviest insect. They can weigh heavy sparrow.
9 Giant Isopod: From the Gulf of Mexico

Interesting Fact: They do not eat Doritos.
10. Atlas Moth: South and Southeast Asia

Interesting facts: In India, Atlas moths are cultivated for silk.
11 Tarantula Hawk: Found almost entire  World.

They are the state insect of New Mexico.
Interesting Fact: They eat tarantulas, that’s how they get their name.
12. Water Giant: Almost Worldwide

Interesting facts: In Thailand they are considered delicacies, and are often captured and collected with black lights.
13. Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing: Papua New Guinea

Interesting Fact: This is the largest butterfly in the world. The first specimen ever found was dropped by using the rifle.
14. Chinese Mantis: Worldwide

Interesting Facts: Originally from China, they were first introduced into North America around 1895 as a source of pest control.
15: Goliath. The Birds Eater , rain forest in South America

interesting fact: Women always have a partner, but sometimes it can end up eating their partners.
16. Japanese Giant Hornet: Japan

Interesting Fact: A Japanese Hornet disturbed will pursue a perceived threat to 3 miles. They kill, on average, 40 people every year. That’s more than other wild animals in Japan.